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Plus de détailsFiorini, operating both in Italy and overseas, promotes its brand through a network of distributors and installers operating in 52 countries. Fiorini is also a partner to numerous companies, both Italian and multinational, as an OEM supplier to leading brands in the HVAC&R sector.
Plus de détailsLaunched in 1955 after four years of testing, the Fiat 600 motorised Italy much more than the Balilla and the 500 “Topolino” of 1936. Carlo Abarth, an experienced specialised Fiat mechanic and manufacturer of special pieces for the competition, he did not fail to be interested in this and he proposed a series of improvements (cassetta in ...
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Plus de détailsFourni avec tous les raccords flexibles pour raccord hydraulique, siphon et trappe de purge avec grille imprimée en acier inoxydable abaissée par rapport au fond de cuve. ... A 600 800 1000 1200 ...
Plus de détailslounmd ojAjrican Earth Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 553-570, 1995 Pergamon copyright o 1995 Elsevier Science Lid Printed in Great Britain. All tights reserved 0899-5362/95 $9.50 + 0.00 0899-5362(9512-3 Geology of the ultrabasic to basic Uitkomst complex, eastern Transvaal, South Africa: an overview C. D. K. GAUERT, S. A. DE WAAL and T. WALLMACH Department of Geology, University of Pretoria ...
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Plus de détailsTransférer environ 800 L de supernatant dans un nouveau tube de microfuge de 2,0 ml contenant 400 L de 1,2 M NaCl et 700 l d’isopropanol. Mélanger la solution doucement par inversion 5x. Précipiter l’ARN en incuber dans un congélateur régulier (-20 oC) ou à température ultralow (-80 oC), pendant au moins 1 h (ou toute la nuit).
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